garlicpowder 15 hours ago

Good luck with your product!

What's the limit on how many emails I can create for Relay per account?

Are you planning to publish a browser extension to create emails on the go when I'm on any register form?

benjaminfh 2 days ago

Do you do extra spam filtering? I see the advantage of not always giving out my email (I use Apple relay sometimes) but ultimately, a thing that routes to my email is another avenue for spam (until I kill that route).

tomjen3 2 days ago

This needs a better description. How does it make sure only real people can contact me?

klez 2 days ago

Are you aware of Firefox Relay[0]? It seems you have extra features, but their plan is priced at 0.99€. For what I need it seems Relay is just enough.

About the site, those blocks under the "Say goodbye to spam and stop cold emails." heading are impossible to read, and the effect on mouseover don't make it any easier.

Good luck with your endeavour :)


andai 2 days ago

I read the whole page and I can't tell what the point of this is? It just forwards to your regular mail? But you delete / change it when the spammers find out about it?