deaddodo 2 days ago

I feel like "modern" is kind of a misnomer in emulators when used like this. When I hear "modern" I expect "better accuracy/emulation speed" not "a new window kit". Especially since this emulator has decidedly less features than most "ancient" (but mature) emulators.

That being said, it's always good to see new contributions to the emudev scene and your project seems well developed. Keep at it!

  • tom_ 2 days ago

    The term "modern" could be editorialization. It appears nowhere in the README and doesn't seem to be how the project describes itself.

    (But, on the other hand, the repo appears to date from 2020. I can't deny this is unambiguously in the past, but perhaps it's recent enough to qualify.)

  • snvzz a day ago

    As far as I am aware, higan/byuu already achieved accurate emulation with no known bugs.

  • imiric 2 days ago

    Anything written in Rust is "modern". (:

    • merolish a day ago

      ratatui in particular seems like a fine piece of work (I'm currently at a Rust shop and expect to use it a bit going forward).

  • evoke4908 19 hours ago

    "Modern" and "beautiful" are major red flag words in our current software dystopia. It always means "we ripped off VSCode and removed 90% of the functionality you want"

  • ranger_danger a day ago

    People indeed have different definitions of subjective terms than others... I think it's secretly the source of a large amount of disagreements in the world.

    • bdhcuidbebe a day ago

      Spot on. The number of times me and spouse resolved arguments by realizing we dont share common definitions have been eye opening for us both.

leshokunin 2 days ago

NES emulators are cool. Its been solved for a while, and now it's becoming a playground to learn new architectures or play with new ideas (like the 3d nes emulator or the one using "ai" to figure out how to expand the viewport).

I remember Nesticle was the first emulator that felt like cknsymer software, and it was so cool to be able to just run a NES game on a PC. We've come a long way

pjmlp a day ago

The emphasis on TUI is kind of interesting, apparently not enough people have "enjoyed" through MS-DOS and 1980's UNIX, now it is fashionable.

  • wsintra2022 a day ago

    For me it’s all about the stripping away of distractions and using the keyboard. I think there are qualities to that kind of interface that desktop GUI’s can’t compete with and vice versa depending on your needs.

    • pjmlp 20 hours ago

      As someone that used TUIs when nothing else was available at an affordable price, hardly.

      Unless your talking about Clipper/DBase, or micro-computers green screens for data entry done by any 4GL, and even those only aren't mostly available on GUIs due to the laziness to provide adequate shortcuts for form navigation.