kleiba 17 hours ago

A few years back, I used to host somewhat regular IF parties at my house. I used to have a projector and even a canvas then, and would hook up my computer to it with some IF game in fullscreen mode.

A couple of my nerd friends would come over, unhealthy snacks and drinks were provided by yours truly, and we'd play the game together, taking turns at who gets to type in the commands through a wireless keyboard.

It was actually quite fun, especially when you get further into the story and inevitably come across puzzles that are not totally trivial. Everybody chimes in with their suggestion, sometimes even leading to semi-arguments on how to try and proceed. It was a matter of course that no-one was allowed to look up clues on the internet.

Thinking back, I don't think we ever got to finish a game. At some point, the group would usually take the decision to give up, either because we got stuck or because no-one really felt like playing on, but I recall that we also had some games that we continued at the next meeting from where we left the last time.

It wasn't uncommon for the party to somehow move on to other things after a few hours but the game was always left on, and everybody was welcome to grab the keyboard and try something if they had an idea how to solve a puzzle.

But today, with having wives and all, I'm not sure such a party would be possible anymore.