pluc 3 hours ago

Guess all the "Automattic security team" is busy looking for vulnerabilities in competing products.

claudiulodro 2 hours ago

Great snark from people that apparently didn't read the article, but this article is about hackers using stolen admin credentials to install a malicious plugin that renders popups with malware to site visitors.

sksxihve 3 hours ago

What share of the revenue do the hackers owe Automattic?

stefanos82 2 hours ago

After years of using and developing custom solutions with WordPress, as soon as I saw the checkbox fiasco, I said enough is enough and to call it quits with WP as a whole and deleted all my projects; I prefer to invest my time and energy elsewhere, it's not worth it anymore.

  • browningstreet 2 hours ago

    I have a few major wordpress projects that rely on a commercial Wordpress plugin. There’s no place for me to go, at this moment in time.

    But I’m also personally getting tired of all this. I was prepared to dump Apple when they had their CSAM initiative. I bought a Tesla and then Elon goes super mad. I run Wordpress sites for my income and Matt goes super mad. I run Linux as much as I can but a lot of my media output is dependent on binary supported video output.

    OSS is the foundation of our cloud layers but not amazing for desktop loads. Commercial companies are quite shady nowadays, and people like me who built their incomes on it have to consider how principled they are want to be. If I want to stay commercial and prioritize my income, I can’t even really entertain the principle dimension in my tool chain.

    • timschmidt an hour ago

      > OSS is the foundation of our cloud layers but not amazing for desktop loads.

      That's news to those of us who have been using it for... check's watch... 25 years on the desktop.